Last Update: 2nd Apr 2024


New Introduction to Advanced Materials Science III

10:25-12:10 Friday, S1 Term, Room 2B6
担当:有馬孝尚 / Taka-hisa ARIMA

授業目標 / Objectives

Learn the fundamentals of crystallography and understand the followings:


crystal lattice, reciprocal lattice, x-ray diffraction, crystallographic point group, space group, reflection condition, crystal structure analysis

2024年度授業計画 / Schedule for 2024

今年度は物質系講義室2B6で講義を行います。 講義の前に、下記のWeb上の講義資料を読んでおいてください。 演習問題は、UTOLを用いて連絡します。

The lectures are provided in Dept. Adv. Mat. Sci. Lecture Room 2B6. Learn the note on the Web in prior to the lecture. The homework problem is informed by UTOL.

  1. 結晶格子、逆格子、X線回折
    Crystal Lattice, Reciprocal Lattice, X-ray Diffraction
    (5 Apr)
  2. 結晶点群と巨視的な物性
    Crystallographic Point Group and Macroscopic Physical Properties
    (19 Apr)
  3. 対称操作と空間群
    Space Group and Symmetry Operations
    (26 Apr)
  4. 回折現象の基礎:結晶構造因子と原子形状因子
    Basics of Diffraction: Structure Factor and Atomic Form Factor
    (10 May)
  5. 消滅則
    Reflection Conditions
    (17 May)
  6. International Tables for Crystallographyの利用法
    "How to Use International Tables for Crystallography"
    (24 May)
  7. X線構造解析の実際
    X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis
    (31 May)

成績評価基準 / Evaluation

レポートで評価します。 レポート問題はUTOLに掲載し、講義の最後にも示します。 レポートの解答については手書きで記載して、スキャナかカメラで取り込んでUTOLで提出してください。
Evaluations are based on the reports. The homework is given on UTOL every week and also shown in each lecture. Handwrite your answer to the quesion, scan or take a photograph, and submit on UTOL.
When you use a generative AI like ChatGPT, first copy and paste what exchanges were made (without modification) and then handwrite your answer.

授業情報 / Information

Lectures will be given both in Japanese and in English. The text on the whiteboard is written in English.

質問など / Questions

You may ask questions directly in the classroom.

予備知識 / Background Knowledge

講義を理解するために必要な知識 / Prerequisite Knowledge

あると便利な知識 / Useful Knowledge

参考書 / Reference Books